Sunday 21 January 2018

Summer Moments

"Summer Moments" introduces you to Alexandra Fontaine

At 18 years old, Alex is still dealing with the emotional effects stemmed from a childhood tragedy and tumultuous teenage years. This is the last summer before she leaves for college. Though, instead of holidaying at a resort with her friends, she is stuck for the summer in  her small town home of Heart to assist an aspiring writer as a favour for her step father. 

One night though, a mysterious stranger comes to town. Their sudden friendship marks the beginning of a most memorable summer that will gift Alex beautiful summer moments filled with joys, tears, pain, happiness and a love that will change her life forever.

Summer Moments
... when moments make memories

Look out for the release of Summer Moments by Kimelene Carr... June 2018

And if you're looking for a great romance read right now... 
why not try one of these amazing authors? 



So today was National Poetry Day here in Trinidad and to commemorate this awesome day, The Circle of Poets of TT , hosted their annual celeb...